Archive for September, 2010


September 21, 2010
Our blog had to be moved due to picture uploading issues.
Our new family blog is at:  be sure to bookmark it!

Blog Issues

September 20, 2010
I am having a really hard time uploading pictures on our blog, which is driving me crazy.  I have some great pictures from our weekend trip to Cleveland.  I have uploaded them to Facebook if you want to see them.
I have been trying to find someone to help me figure out what’s going on, but no answers yet.  If I can’t figure it out, I might have to change our blog to another site.  I will keep you updated!
Thanks for your patience!!

Some of our Favorites!

September 16, 2010
I have been going to the library almost every two weeks since Noah was born to gather loads of books for us to read to him.  We go through a ton of books and have found some so good that I just had to share!  For those of you out there that are looking for some great books to read to your little ones… are some we highly recommend!!  If you ever want to buy Noah a gift….books are great!!  We don’t own most of these books but would love to have them!
Karma Wilson write the most wonderful books about a bear and his friends.  I love this series so much that I am working on buying all of her books.  They are the perfect length for little ones and have such great stories about friendship.  She also has written tons of other books, here are some we love.
Sakes Alive! A Cattle DriveAnimal Strike at the Zoo (It's True!) 

These three books are so unique.  The style of writing is fun to read and the books have a good sense of humor!
Any books by Charles Fuge are WONDERFUL!  They have great messages and the most beautiful illustrations!

First Day of Music Class

September 15, 2010
Noah started music class today at our local community center.  If you haven’t heard me say before….he is very musical.  He loves music, loves dancing, loves instruments.  We are doing our best to get him involved in as much music as we can at this age.  The class we started today is called "Move with Music" and it’s a national program that has high regards.  Noah absolutely loved it!  He was the center of attention…and was the oldest one on the class.  I took several little video’s of him in class so you could see how much fun he was having.
Notice in this video he says it’s his "favorite song" and at one point tells everyone to "get up".  Love it!
The "veil song" was so fun…after I put the camera down I had fun dancing too!
Itsy Bitsy Spider

Magazine Interview

September 15, 2010
I had my interview with Remedy magazine today and it was so exciting!  I was nervous as the 4 o’clock hour approached….and then the phone range right on time!  Natasha is the woman I talked to and she was wonderful and kind, and patient as I needed some cry breaks.  She asked a ton of questions and basically listened to my life story starting from pregnancy to now.  We talked a lot about exactly what I’m doing as far as exercise and eating.  She said that the readers will love to read about how they can do this themselves at home.  We talked for about 1.5 hours and I felt like I talked non-stop!  She was very grateful and kept saying she just loved this story and that the magazine’s readers would benefit greatly from my experience. 
She said that the story would be in the next issue and it’s a quarterly magazine.  She didn’t have the print date at hand, but said she would let me know and make sure they send me a few copies.  I will keep you posted!

Dear Dad…..

September 13, 2010
It’s been 7 months since my life changed.  7 months since I watched my dad slip out of our arms into Jesus’ arms. 7 months since I hugged my dad.  It feels like an eternity since I’ve heard dad on the other end of the phone asking me about the weather here in Ohio.  I can’t tell you how much I miss hearing his voice on the phone.  There are days that my heart aches so much that I feel like I’m suffocating in sadness.  I still am having a horrible time sleeping.  I have a lot of bad dreams, a lot of flash backs to dad’s last night, and a lot of pain that seems to bubble up at night when it’s quiet and I have to be still.   I told my doctor about this and she calls is "shattered mind syndrome" and said it’s common for people that have experienced traumatic events, as we did watching dad die.  Thankfully, my doctor isn’t a fan of prescriptions for sleep probelms, rather, she has me taking some vitamins to help.  We’ll see how it goes in the next few weeks.  This morning I was up at 3AM unable to sleep……hopefully it will get better.
It seems that every few months my mind gets so busy with all I want to tell my dad that I need to let it all out… this post is my therapy!  A letter to my dad…..
Hi dad!
I sure do miss you!  As much as I used to tease you, I really miss hearing you talk about how much better your weather is than ours!  I miss you asking me about our Ohio weather, and teasing me that winter is coming soon.  I had a voice mail from you and planned on saving it to listen to forever….but somehow it was erased and I’ve been so sad to not have a reminder of your voice.  Sometimes I can just look at your pictures and hear you.  That’s been comforting.  I still can’t believe your gone.  I wonder if I will ever get "used" to the idea that your gone.  Probably not.
I have a lot of reminders of you around the house.  I have a great picture of you on our mantle.  It was the day you were feeling so good and wanted to take a trip out to the golf course.  That was such a good day for you.  I have your beloved Union Pacific jacket upstairs in the closet and everytime I go up there I "visit" it.  I don’t know why your jacket holds such power…but it makes me very emotional every time I see it.  I got it out the other day and checked the pockets just one more time.  I found a candy wrapper that made me smile.  One of those caramel hard candies you loved.  I put the wrapper back in your pocket.  I held your jacket close to my face and I can still smell you.  I cried.  I miss your hugs.  So, I wrapped the jacket arms around me and hugged your jacket.  Silly, I know.  I can hear you laughing at me.   I have your hard hat from the railroad in the garage right by the door to the house.  Noah always wants to wear it!  He loves that hat. 
I have kept my promise to you and have been taking good care of myself.  I have lost 56 lbs so far with about 10 to go.  Last week my doc took me off my blood pressure meds!  WOOHOO!!  I have gotten back into running and have done four 5K races.  I am training right now for a half marathon in October!  You will be coming along with me…..I can hear you saying "oh no I won’t"!  I made a dad button with your picture and will wear it for the race.  I always have you with me in all my races.  We will be crossing the 13.1 mile finish line together!!  I know your proud of me.  So often I can hear you in my mind saying…"good job kid".  Oh my goodness, I miss you calling me kid.
Noah’s getting so big!  He started preschool a couple weeks ago and loves it!  He is such a big boy now and is basically potty trained!  If you were still here I would have sent you some very funny pictures of the potty training process!  It’s been a learning experience for all of us.  I also would be sending you some wonderful family pictures we had taken, as well as some of Noah’s art work. 
Each night we pray with Noah and ask that Jesus will give you a big hug for us and let you know how much we miss you.  I hope your getting those hugs.  I also pray several times during the week that Jesus will allow you to look down and see all that we’ve been able to do with the money you left us.  I know that you would just love the yard and patio.  I know how hard you worked for that money dad, and we have used it with good judgement (I know you approve of the 60 inch TV purchase!) and have done things that you suggested last time you visited.  I wish so badly that you were coming to visit again this fall.
I miss you so much and think about you all the time.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you.  I know your the angel on my shoulder that watches me each day.  Although your gone, your voice is still strong and is always pushing me to do better, be better, and work harder.  I love you so much and pray that your days in heaven are filled with all the things and people that you love!
Until we talk again,

New Albany Walking Classic

September 12, 2010
Today Gary and I did the New Albany Walking Classic.  It was a 10K (6.2) mile walking race and it the biggest walking race in the country.  We did really well and finished in 1:19:20!  It was a beautiful morning for the walk and we had a lot of fun doing it together.  Grandma and Grandpa stayed here and played with Noah while we were gone…thanks Marge and Ron!
Ready for the race!  I made a "dad button" and ribbon to wear in my races. 
Waiting for the beginning of the race

This week…

September 11, 2010
Noah’s art work from this week at preschool.
Playdoh!  thank you to Bridgett and girls for making us this fantastic playdoh, Noah loves it!
My latest freebie find!  I don’t really go out looking for good trash anymore, but I found this on the side of the road today and couldn’t pass it up!  Gary thinks it’s too big for our kitchen, but I love it!!  Lots of room for everything and it matches our kitchen cabinets!

My story in 200 words….

September 10, 2010

I am entering a contest through Remedy Health and Wellness magazine.  I found it by accident and just felt compelled to enter!  It is a contest to tell your "health success to becoming a stronger you" in 200 words or less.  I just knew this was the contest for me!  I stayed up late tonight just to finish my entry, otherwise I would never be able to sleep!  So, here it is.  I will keep you posted on how I do.  I will be including before and after pics with my entry.

“You fall into the obese category and your blood pressure is dangerously high”.  These are the words I heard from my doctor in late February of 2010.  I weighed in at an all time high of 214.  How did I get here?  I lost my healthy self somewhere between fast food, sweets, and no exercise. 

I started the journey to lose weight and regain my health after my life changed forever on February 10, 2010.  I stood beside my beloved dad as he lost his fight with cancer.  In dad’s last few days he was very concerned and told me that I needed to take care of myself.  I promised him that I would.

One week later I joined a gym and started taking small steps toward losing weight and becoming healthy. Since February I have lost 55 lbs, 7 inches in my waist, gone from a size 22 to a size 12, started weight training five days a week, and I have completed four 5K races.  I am currently training for my first half marathon in October.  Most importantly, my doctor has taken me off my blood pressure medicine.

Here we go dad…..all the way to the finish line!


These are the pics I sent:




“Let me hold you longer”

September 9, 2010
I found this book at the library and was very moved by it….yep, I cried.  I just love it and it is such an important reminder to all of us to enjoy every minute because it goes so fast.  So, grab a tissue and take a minute to read this wonderful book with me.   I just had to share it with all of you mom’s out there so here I am typing out the entire book (more of a poem) for you!  ENJOY!  Let me know how you like it.
"Let Me Hold You Longer" by Karen Kingsbury
Long ago you came to me,
a miracle of firsts;
First smiles and teeth and baby steps,
a sunbeam on the burst.
But one day you will move away,
and leave me to your past,
And I will be left thinking of
a lifetime of your lasts……
The last time that I held a bottle
to your baby lips.
The last time that I lifted you
and held you on my hip.
The last night when you woke up crying,
needing to be walked,
When last you crawled up with your blanket,
wanting to be rocked.
The last time when you ran to me,
still small enough to hold.
The last time that you said you’d marry
me when you grew old.
Precious, simple moments and
bright flashes from your past-
Would I have held on longer if
I’d known they were your last?
Our last adventure to the park,
your final midday nap,
The last time when you wore your favorite
faded baseball cap.
Your last few hours of kindergarten,
those last days of first grade,
Your last at bat in Little League,
last colored picture made.
I never said good-bye to all
your yesterdays long passed.
So what about tomorrow-
will I recognize your lasts?
The last time that you catch a frog
in that old backyard pond.
The last time that you run barefoot
across our fresh-cut lawn.
Silly, scattered images
will represent your past.
I keep on taking pictures,
never quite sure of your lasts…..
The last time that I comb your hair
or stop a pillow fight.
The last time that I pray with you
and tuck you in at night.
The last time when we cuddle
with a book, just me and you,
The last time you jump in our bed
and sleep between us two.
The last piano lesson,
last vacation to the lake.
Your last few weeks of middle school,
last soccer goal you make.
I look ahead and dream of days
that haven’t come to pass,
But as I do, I sometimes miss
today’s sweet, precious lasts…..
The last time that I help you with
a math or spelling test.
The last time when I shout that yes,
your room is still a mess.
The last time that you need me for
a ride from here to there.
The last time that you spend the night
with your old tattered bear.
My life keeps moving faster,
stealing precious days that pass.
I want to hold on longer-
want to recognize your lasts…..
The last time that you need my help
with details of a dance.
The last time that you ask me for
advice about romance.
The last time that you talk to me
about your hopes and dreams.
The last time that you wear a jersey
for your high school team.
I’ve watched you grow and barely noticed
seasons as they pass.
If I could freeze the hands of time,
I’d hold on to your lasts.
For come some bright fall morning,
you’ll be going far away.
College life will beckon
in a brilliant sort of way.
One last hug, one last good-bye,
one quick and hurried kiss.
One last time to understand
just how much you’ll be missed.
I’ll watch you leave and think how fast
our time together passed.
Let me hold on longer, God,
to every precious last.