Archive for November, 2008

Hey everyone, it’s me, Noah!

November 27, 2008
Red heart  Mom and dad are getting some sleep so I decided to sneak out and get my thoughts out on "paper".   I have been listening to mom and dad talk about being thankful and asking me what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday.  I don’t know if they are aware of this but I can’t actually talk yet….but for some reason I am a fantastic typist.  I must get that from my mom.  Anyway, I have been thinking about all the things I am thankful for and wanted to share with you.
I am thankful for:
 – my "paci", or as you big people call it, the pacifier.  By far the best invention ever.  EVER.  I love you paci from the bottom of my heart and don’t know what I would do without you.
– my dad.  He always knows what games and toys I like to play with.  He is really good at playing cars and trucks.  He is so strong and carries me on walks and hikes (I love being outside!).  He shares his breakfast in the morning with me. 
– my mommy.  She always sings me songs before bed and let’s me hold her hand everytime I go to sleep.  She takes me outside for walks everyday (did I mention I love being outside?).  She stays home with me all day and we do fun stuff.
– my doggy sisters.  They are furry and warm.  They let me climb on them and sit on them.  They don’t get mad when I ram them with my push toys.
– hot dogs, corn, fruit puree, waffles, and raisins.  These are the main foods in my life.  I don’t know when I will ever eat anything besides these five items. 
– garbage day.  mommy always knows when the garbage truck is coming and sits at the window with me to watch the big truck load the garbage.  Big trucks are the best.
– milk.  I could live on milk alone.  I love how mommy and daddy let me serve myself from the fridge.  I am such a big boy, I know where my milk sippy cup is and when mom or dad open the fridge I get it, drink lots of yummy milk, and then put the sippy back all by myself.  Sometimes I amaze myself!
– dry diapers.  There is not much better than a nice dry diaper.  I might fight getting it changed but deep down I love that dry diaper on my bottom. 
– soup cans.  So versitile.  You can stack them, roll them, kick them, knock them down, and sometimes hide them so mommy can’t find them.
– music.  I love to dance.  I especially love Christmas music right now but I am a lover of all music.  Rock on.
– the vaccuum cleaner.  I don’t know why but I LOVE the vaccuum cleaner.  When mommy says, "Noah, do you want to vaccuum?" , I can’t control myself  I get so excited and  I run to the closet in anticiption of this daily entertainment.  I am way too fast and mommy can never catch me when she chases me with the vaccuum.  I enjoy the chase though.
– snack time.  Mom and dad give me the best snacks and always seem to know when I am in need of a little "pick me up" during the day.  Fish crackers are one of my favorites but I also love raisins and cheese.
– grandma’s and grandpa’s.  I don’t get to see them as often as I would like, but when I do they always want to do whatever I want to do!  They are always smiling at me and playing with me.  They give me lots of hugs. 
– the zoo.  I love this magical place where I get to see lots of animals…especially my favorite’s elephants and gorillas.  I also love the aqarium.  So many fish, so little time.
– bedtime.  I love reading books with mom and dad before bed.  I love to snuggle close with mom and dad and hear mom sing my 4 favorite songs every night.   I especially love that mom, dad, and I all sleep really close in the same room.  It makes me feel warm and snuggly inside.

The day after…..

November 27, 2008
Noah did just fine last night.  The doc at urgent care told us to wake him 4 hours after he went to bed to make sure he was acting "normal".  She said that you have to be careful with head injuries.  So, our alarm went off at 1:30AM, honestly I don’t think I even slept very much before it went off I was so worried, and out of bed I popped to wake the little guy.  I picked him up and he was still asleep, then opened his eyes and looked at me like "what the heck are you doing, it’s the middle of the night!".  I tried to get him a drink of milk and when I got back to his bed he was asleep again.  I decided to let the poor kid sleep.  He acted normal enough for the 2 seconds he was awake.
This morning he was his chipper self out of bed at 5:30 wanting to "shave" with daddy!  He loves that shaver!  His ouchie looked terrible this morning…really swollen around his eye and painful, but he didn’t seem to have any issues with it all day today.  He was a bit more tired than usual and took 3 naps, but besides that no big deal. 
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We have been getting a ridiculous amount of toy catalogs lately!  Noah loves looking at them….well, he loves ripping them up, but occasionally does look at them while ripping.  I found him today in the kitchen just staring at the train in the latest catalog!  So cute!  Hmmmm, I wonder what he wants from Santa??
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I found this "baby buggy" in our "trash" drive this week!  It was so cute I had to rescue it from the curb and give it away to someone with a little girl.  But before we gave it away Noah wanted to push it around.  He enjoyed crashing it into the walls, dogs, fireplace, doors, kitchen cabinets…you get the idea.
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YOU MUST TRY THIS RECIPE!  I got this recipe from my Weight Watchers meeting this week.  It is for Warm White Bean Salad.  I made it today for lunch and it is fabulous!!  I am going to make it for Thanksgiving to have as a healthy side-dish.  So very good! 
This recipe makes 4 servings for 2 points each serving.
4 tsp olive oil
4 plum tomatoes, chopped
1 onion, minced
1/4 each diced green and red bell pepper
2 tbsp fresh ( or 1 tsp dry) minced sage (I used green onion instead)
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 tsp salt
1 16oz can of cannellini (white kidney) beans, rinsed and drained
Heat oil in skillet over medium heat.  Add tomatoes, onion, bell peppers, sage, garlic, salt and pepper.  Cook, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens, about 5 mins.  Take off head and stir in beans.
Here is the picture after I made it.  It was filling and very flavorful.
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I also made the Weight Watchers Crustless Pumpkin Pie for tomorrow.  I haven’t tasted it yet but it smells delicious and looks pretty too!
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This is random..but I swear our Lab Daisy sleep with her own stuffed animal.  I DID not stage this pic….she did this on her own.
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First Urgent Care Visit

November 26, 2008
Tonight was the night all parents dread.  The first Urgent Care visit for Noah.  Gary went to play basketball tonight (keep in mind this NEVER happens! We are usually all home at night every night!) and I was home alone with Noah.  I was making our bed up and he was playing on his toddler bed next to our bed….crawling around on it and rolling around.  I heard a loud thump and KNEW it was a bad one.  I rushed over and picked him up immediatly and he was screaming bloody murder.  I did what I always do when he falls, looked for blood.  It was gushing out of his eyebrow area.  I turned to JELLO and grabbed Gary’s shirt to hold on his head.  I was freaked out and didn’t know if I should call 911 or head to the ER….I really couldn’t think straight.  I didn’t want to take the shirt off to get a better look at the cut….so I didn’t really know what it looked like aside from the bloody mess I first saw.  Noah was crying, I was shaking and we both were a mess.  I got the phone, picture this….I was shaking so badly I couldn’t dial the number for Noah’s doctor and my shaking legs barely got me into the kitchen.  All the while I am trying to hold the shirt on Noah’s head.  Noah’s doc said that it didn’t sound too bad (from my description) and to take him to Urgent Care.  I got the bleeding to stop long enough to get to Urgent Care.  They were awesome and quick and got us right in.  They cleaned it out and found it to be pretty superficial.  They decided to use "glue" dermabond to seal it so it will heal quickly.  Noah, of course, didn’t care for any of this.  By the time we got home Gary had just gotten home and was worried after reading my note "at Urgent Care".  Noah is now in bed and seems to be fine.  We are told we need to wake him every 4 hours for the first 24 hours to make sure he is acting normal (this is normal I guess with a mild head injury).  So, the alarm is set for 1:30.  I don’t think we will sleep soundly until then anyway.  Poor baby.  Of course after the trip to the Urgent Care he came home all smiles and wanting to play with his doggy sisters!
OUCHIE!  He is smiling of course!

Brendan Foster

November 25, 2008
I was so very touched by this story, I had to share.  

Weight Watchers – Week 6

November 25, 2008
YAY!  I lost 1.2 lbs this week!  13.8 total so far.  I really feel a difference in my clothes and am thrilled that family members (that don’t see me often) have started to notice.  That always helps me to feel motivated!  My meeting last night focused us on making sure we have a solid plan heading into this crazy food driven holiday.  Our leader reminded us that although the holiday does revolve around food that WE don’t have to revolve around food.  Instead of sitting around and eating for the entire weekend, she said, get out and take a walk, play family games, get outdoors and do something active.  Most importantly, think before you just put food in your mouth.  Have a plan for what you want to eat and only eat what you love.  I feel really strong going into this holiday….my family is very supportive and even asked if they could make anything WW friendly for me.  I am going to be making a WW Pumpkin Pie recipe so I can enjoy dessert with everyone else and still stay on program.  I plan on getting out and walking alot over the weekend…..regardless of the weather!
What worked for me this week?
I ate all my points everyday!  Last week I tried to cut back on points and was so hungry all the time (and lost only .2).  This week I ate all my points everyday and was hardly hungry at all.  I got out and walked even though the weather was yucky.  I feel so good after I exercise and love getting out and walking further each day!  I have a plan going into the weekend.  The weekends tend to be the hardest time for me to stay on points.  This weekend I was craving a Starbucks.  I planned it ahead of time and saved points for a big ol’ Caramel Light Frappachino.  I have found that if I plan for the things I really want and save my points for them (rather then sneaking a bite here and there) that I really enjoy it and have no guilt.
Onto Thanksgiving week!  I hope you all have a great week and enjoy friends, family…and food!

Cookie Monster!

November 24, 2008
I just had to share Noah’s "new" sweatshirt I found Friday at the kid’s resale store!  Seriously, could there be anything cuter?  And for only $3!!
Dog face  Noah and his doggie sisters truly are the best of friends.   He especially loves to plop down in the middle of where they are laying and pet them.  Look how sweet….
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Grandpa and Gary went to the Ohio State vs. Michigan football game this weekend.  I opted to NOT sit in the freezing cold and hang out with Noah.  Before they left for the game Noah was excited to show Grandpa his "new" room!  In the second picture he is pointing "up" to show grandpa his room upstairs.  He showed grandpa his fun jeep and how he can almost get on Fred the Horse all by himself!
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I let Noah try a little chocolate Reddi Whip this week.  Needless to say it was a hit.
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Regret Free Life

November 23, 2008
We have been "church shopping" and I think we have found a winner!  We have been to this church twice now and really love it!  The pastor is truly one of the best speakers I have ever heard.  He has a wonderful way of not preaching AT you, rather he has a remarkable waay of weaving interesting stories and humor with bible verses and it makes for a very interesting and entertaining sermon.  I was so engaged in today’s sermon that I just had to share a little with you.
For the past few weeks he has been preaching a series called "Living A Regret Free Life". This is a VERY relevant topic in my life, especially since Noah has been born.   While in the hospital recovering from the C-section I had a lot of time to think about our "new life" with Noah.  I vowed to NEVER go to bed regretting that I didn’t spend enough time, read enough books, play enough, cuddle enough, or speak enough kind and loving words to Noah.  I admit that some days are harder than others to do this, but for the most part I have kept to my vow.
This is why the sermon today hit home for me.  The pastor talked about living thankfully.  We have so much and often take it for granted.  I know I do this too often.   We are so richly blessed and often our thankfullness gets lost in our busy-ness, at least I know it does for me.  He also talked about showing others true Agape love. not just plain ol’ love but the deep, meaningful, no-strings attached Agape love that our Father shows us.  Showing Agape love for others ESPECIALLY when we don’t think they deserve it, he says, just screams out God’s love.  Showing Agape love means you have PATIENCE.  This is an especially hard one for me.  Patience, he said, means "slow to boil".  This definition really stuck with me.   I am one of those people who takes one week at a time….so this week I am going to work on patience and focus on being "slow to boil".  I challenge all of you to work on this too, especially at this time of the year when everyone is in such a hurry.
The pastor talked at length about Ranch Pausch.  If you aren’t familiar with Mr. Pausch’s story….quick background….he was a 47 year old progressor at Carnegie Mellon University who was diagnosed with cancer and told he had 8-10 months to live.  He was a husband and father of three small kids.  He chose to live out the rest of his days with no regret.  He gave an incredibly brave and inspirational "lecture" entitled "The Last Lecture" after learning of his cancer.  If you haven’t heard and seen this lecture, here is a link: 
It is well worth the time to watch.  You will be inspired, touched, and entertained by his humor, strength, and overall attitude about his terrible situation.  If you watch, let me know what you think.  Pass this lecture link along to someone… never know who needs it!
Have a wonderful week! 

Fred….the Horse

November 21, 2008
I had to post this video of Noah playing with Fred the Horse for my mom!  She bought this for Noah for Christmas last year and it wasn’t until now that he has really started loving Fred!  He can almost get on and ride Fred himself….see for yourself!

Figure Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes

November 21, 2008
My mom and my sister were interested in some fabulous Thanksgiving dessert recipes I was given at my weekly meeting.  I thought I would post them here for anyone else who might want some low calorie and low fat dessert alternatives.  If you try the recipes, let me know how you like them!  I am going to try the Crustless Pumpkin Pie recipe.
Open-mouthed  Crustless Pumpkin Pie (1/8 of pie is 1 point if you use Splenda, 2 points if you use Brown Sugar)
15 oz can pumpkin
1/2 tsp salt
12 oz can evaporated skim milk
2/3 cup splenda OR 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp vanilla
2/3 cup egg substitute OR egg whites
Mix all ingredients together until well blended.  Spray 9" pie pan with Pam, pour in filling and bake at 400 for 15 min.  Turn down to 325 and bake another 40-45 min longer.
Open-mouthed  Pumpkin Fluff – 1 cup is 2 points
15 oz can of pumpkin
8 oz tub of fat free cool whip
1 small sugar free, fat free vanilla pudding mix
1 cup non-fat milk
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
Combine pumkin, milk, vanilla pudding mix, and spices.  Mix well with mixer.  Add cool whip and mix by hand until well mixed.  Makes 5 servings.
Open-mouthed  Pumpkin Muffins – 1 muffin is 2 points
1 box spice cake mix
15 oz can pumpkin
2 egg whites
1/2 cup water
Lightly beat egg whites.  Mix all ingredients together by hand or with blender.  Pour into muffin tin.  Bake 35-40 mins (use oven temp recommendation on cake mix box).

Zoo Wildlights

November 21, 2008
Light bulb  Last night we attended the Columbus Zoo Wildlights.  All members of the Zoo were invited to see the lights before the public.  It was a very cold and snowy evening but well worth it for the incredible light show!  The Zoo was literally dripping with lights…every square inch of the zoo had colorful lights in trees, animal lights, a musical light show, train displays, cookie making, and of course, Santa!  Poor little Noah was so bundled up that he could barely walk!  We had a great time and enjoyed our first holiday event!  Noah’s favorite part was the room filled with toy train displays!  It was really difficult to get good pictures that did the lights justice.  Here is the the best I could do!
Ready to go to the Zoo!
This is what we saw upon entering the Zoo!  It was incrediblt!
Noah and daddy warming up at the fire, daddy and mommy, Noah enjoying his first ever hot chocolate!
Daddy and Noah enjoying the music light show, my sweet angel face, Mommy and Noah hamming it up!
Daddy and Noah dreaming of warm weather by the palm tree lights!  They had a cute "Mrs. Claus’s Kitchen" area where you could pay $2 and your child could decorate a sugar cookie all by themselves.  We skipped this but maybe next year when Noah’s bigger.
Noah getting snuggles from mommy!
Noah’s favorite part!  The toy train exhibit!  Of course they had to have an Ohio State railcar!  Noah was looking up at the suspended train!