Archive for January, 2008

Back to Normal

January 31, 2008
Things are starting to get back to normal around here.  Thank goodness for that.  I am feeling so much better and only have a little lingering cough.  Gary seems to be feeling better too and is finally shaking his cold.  Noah is still doing just fine besides a little teething.  Noah and I went to Barnes and Noble for storytime yesterday (of course to find out storytime is THURSDAY).  We had fun walking around and looking at all the books.  I have really missed getting outside with Noah for walks in the afternoon, but it has been way too chilly to get him out in the wind.  I tend to lean toward taking him to the mall to walk around during these Winter months…but it is a bit of a drive and sometimes I just don’t want to deal with him and the carseat (he still doesn’t like it too much).  Some days the cabin fever takes over and I must get him in the car and go somewhere…anywhere.  Today might be one of those days. Open-mouthed  Costco, here we come!
We met daddy for lunch on Monday….
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Here is our big boy this morning doing much better at sitting on his own!  Yum!  Books taste good!
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Fun new seat!

January 29, 2008
Gary’s birthday isn’t until Feb. 6th, but he got his present early yesterday!  He really wanted a bicycle seat for Noah (we can’t WAIT until Spring!!) so that we can go on lots of family bike rides! 
Here is out little guy in his new bicycle seat!  Notice his face..he wasn’t quite sure what to do!
He has a bit of growing room!
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In anticipation of our March trip to Arizona….here is our little Arizona Wildcat!
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Finally….getting better!

January 28, 2008
After a month of being sick Gary and I are finally starting to feel better (fingers crossed AND knocking on wood ).  We had a nice restful weekend and got in some good naps (thank you Noah).  We went out for a nice mexican food lunch on Saturday and it was so nice to get out of the house!  We did some walking outside with the doggies and got some fresh air (a bit cold air, but fresh air was nice).  Noah is still doing very well although we think he might be starting to get some more teeth coming through.  He has been a bit whiny for no apparent reason and very drooly.  More chompers on the way!  It is beautiful outside right now…the sun is actually out and shining bright  Sun  so Noah and I are going to the Metro Gardens for a nice walk.  Why is it that the sun doesn’t come out on the weekends and then on Monday it is shining bright??

Friday Folly

January 25, 2008
We have all had them.  One of those moments when nobody else is around and something funny or embarrasing happens.  You look around and either laugh or cry and are glad that nobody was there to witness the moment.  My friends, I had one of those moments today.  In the name of full blog honesty and disclosure I am going to share it with you.   Embarrassed
I was getting Noah’s bath ready this afternoon and had put him on the floor in his room while I got the water ready.  Noah was sitting buck naked in the middle of his room and was oh so carefully keeping his balance and staying upright.  Meanwhile I had the water running into his tub.  From his bathtub I can see him from the bathroom door.  We have a small step stool that we keep by the bathtub to sit on while he is in the bath.  With one eye I was watching Noah keep his balance and with the other eye I was watching his tub fill with fun soapy bubbles.  I proceeded to sit down on the step stool and completely missed the stool!  I fell off balance and hit the bathroom floor full throttle on my bottom, then hit my back on the bathroom door, and finally banged my head into the now closed bathroom door.  I could still see Noah through the entire ordeal through the other bathroom door (we have 2 doorways to the bathroom).  As I was falling in a heap to the floor Noah also proceeded to teeter over onto his side.  So there we were…mommy in her pink jammies on the bathroom floor, and Noah buck naked on his bedroom floor peering sideways at eachother through a doorway.  We both looked at eachother and started laughing at one another!  It was hilarious.

Answered Prayers

January 25, 2008
Thank you all for your prayers.  I am feeling so much better today!  I woke up without any really terrible flu symptoms and had a decent night of sleep.  It helped so much having Gary home yesterday so I could get some much needed sleep. I must say that I know it wasn’t easy on him considering he has a cold too!  Noah continues to do well and is staying flu free.  Praise the Lord for that!!  We are hoping this weekend will be restful for all of us and that we will all start next week on the mend. 

Thank you Daddy

January 24, 2008
Today I just couldn’t go another day without substancial sleep. I just knew that unless I got some sleep this flu would never get better.  Gary was kind enough to take a personal day and stay home to help me out.  Daddy and Noah had a special day together.  They went to the mall and had lunch together, they went grocery shopping for mommy, and drove around a bit.  Mommy was able to sleep from 9:30-3:30 and it was wonderful!  I haven’t slept that long in once stretch in 7 months!  Gary has been wonderful today watching Noah so that I could rest and just have some down time.  Thank you sweetie, I love you so much!!!  Red heart  As far as my flu goes…I am not as sore as I was just two days ago and my energy level is getting better but I have this terrible cough that is driving me (and everyone else) crazy!  Fortunately Noah has still not shown any signs of having the flu (either has Gary) so Praise the Lord for that answered prayer. 
Today Noah is 7 months!  Where has the time gone??  Happy 7 months beautiful angel!  Mommy and daddy love you so much!
Noah and daddy on their way out this morning.
Daddy and Noah ending their day together.


January 23, 2008
I ended up going to the doc today just to make sure I don’t have anything serious…I am a bit of a worry wart since I am breastfeeding.  I do indeed have the flu (I could have told you that one!) and thankfully it has not moved into my lungs.  The doc said that I did have a fever and it should subside in a few days.  I also called Noah’s doc and told them I had the flu and asked what I should be looking for with him.  I told them I had read that the flu is serious in children under 2 years of age and that it made me nervous. They told me first to quit worrying so much Embarrassed and that I just need to watch out for dehydration because that can be the most serious.  We ask for your prayers that the flu cycle will go quickly for me and that Noah and Gary will not catch this virus.  Thank you!


January 23, 2008
I am pretty sure I have the flu.  I have had a fever over 100 for two days now and just feel so horrible.  My body literally aches from head to toe and everywhere in between.  I am so nervous about Noah getting the flu since it is so serious in small children….so I am going to call the pediatrician today to just check and see what she suggests as far as watching him.  He only has a little cough and sneeze, but other than that seems just fine.  He did have a flu shot at the beginning of January (thank goodness!).  Boy I sure do wish my mom lived closer so I could get her help! Confused  These are the times when I need my mommy!  I might head to the doctor today for myself and see if they have any suggestions.  I don’t remember the last time I had the flu….and of course it decides to rear it’s ugly head with Noah around.  The flu shot I got back in November seems to have let me down. 

Colds…round TWO.

January 22, 2008
Sad   Gary and I both woke up this morning with the beginning of colds AGAIN!  We just got over almost 3 weeks of being sick and now it’s starting over again.  Oh please Lord give us a break!  I guess we are both run down and this is contributing to us easily getting sick.  Noah seems to still be okay.  He has a bit of a little cough but overall he has avoided the real sickness.  I have to admit that I am frustrated and so tired of not being able to shake this stuff.  Being sick stinks.  Okay..I am done venting now.

Buuurrrrrr, it’s cold out there!

January 20, 2008
Today it was 5 degrees when we headed out for church.  That is darn chilly!  All of you in Arizona enjoy your "Winter" temps in the 50’s!!
Mommy and Noah ready for church!
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Daddy and Noah bundled up to head out to church.
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