Archive for June, 2010

Block Party!

June 30, 2010
Our friends Bridgett and Jules invited us to their neighborhood block party!  Someone in their neighborhood won this block party from a local radio station.  It was awesome!  Tons of free food, games, and lots of free stuff!  We came home with a bag full of magnets, water bottles, balloons, and loaves of bread (yep, bread!).  Noah and daddy enjoyed lots of good free food…..Hot dogs, BBQ, chicken wings, fries, ice cream, soda, popcorn…..yum yum yum! 
Thank you Jules, Bridgett, Natalie, Lucy, and Mads for letting us join in the fun!!  We love you!

Slate Run Metro Park

June 30, 2010
Noah and I visited a Metro Park about and hour from our house today.  We had never been there before and I was excited to get over to see it.  It was a long drive, but a beautiful drive through farm fields and the weather today was SUPER perfect.  It was in the 70’s and just gorgeous, the perfect day for a long drive and a day outside.  We took a tram ride once we got to the park, Noah almost fell asleep on the ride!  Then he did a little "nature journal" craft.  Then we went to the "working historical farm" located in the park.  It was INCREDIBLE!  I love that sort of stuff, and Noah seemed to really enjoy seeing the barn and the animals (except the pigs, he hates the big pigs), and we got to walk through the historic house.  I loved loved loved it! 
Nature journal craft…
Tram ride!
Entering the working farm area, we passed by am amazing vegetable garden!!
The 1856 house, it was awesome!  Full of historical furniture and a real working kitchen, they has just taken cookies out of the oven, it smelled wonderful!  They had a bunch of handmade toys from that era for kids to play with.  Noah loved the marble game!
I loved the kitchen, but it was SO hot from the stove.
Out behind the house were the barns, fields of corn and wheat, and lots of old time tools used on the farm.  We checked out the cows (a new calf born June 16th), pigs, horses, baby ducks, and sheep.  Noah did not want to see the pigs or cows, but loved the baby ducks….they seem to be more his size!
There were a bunch of different buildings around the farm, one used for canning, and one used to cure the meat.  The meat room was "very stinky" according to Noah.
They had lots of fun 1800’s ourdoor games around the farm grounds.  More marble games, a ring toss, blocks, and stilts.  It was so peaceful and fun to watch all the kids play with these simple games.

The Henry Ford Museum

June 28, 2010
We took Noah and Gary’s mom this weekend to see the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan.  It’s an incredible museum full of history!  We saw everything from a "futuristic round aluminum house" to past President’s cars, to farm equipment, and lots of old trains.  It was awesome!!  We didn’t know how well Noah would do in a history museum, but there was plenty to keep his attention and he was such a good boy!  If you live in the Ohio or Michigan area you MUST visit the Henry Ford Museum AND Greenfield Villiage (they are located in the same area).
Noah climbing up in the combine.
They had a traveling exhibit called "Play" and it was all about life size games!  Pool, dominos, bowling, and foosball!
The "futuristic house".  The inside was pretty roomy and efficient for being built in the 40’s.
In the "Hero’s of the Sky" exhibit!  Noah, Grandma, and Daddy made paper airplanes and tested them….daddy’s won.
Lunchtime….look how cute Noah’s lunch was!
The FIRST school bus ever!!!
Lots of great "vehicles" old and new!
Noah loved the BIG old steam engine….just like grandpa!  I know dad was smiling watching Noah "drive" the train.
Past President’s actual cars!  The Kennedy car is the ACTUAL car where he died.  It was very strange to stand there and look at the spot where he died.
A good old diner!  Perfectly preserved!
After we got home from the museum, I took some pics of Marge and Ron’s yard, it is amazing!!  Marge’s butterfly garden is HUGE!

Family Picnic

June 28, 2010
Saturday we went to Gary’s mom’s family annual get-to-gether.  This year we did a picnic!  It’s always so nice to see everyone!  Noah had a good time playing outside and did a fantastic job of sharing his toys with all the other kiddos.  We enjoyed good weather, good food, and good times with family.  Thank you Marge, Caroline, and Kenny for organizing this fun day!!  Rainbow

Noah’s REAL Birthday!

June 28, 2010
We celebrated Noah’s real birthday Thursday night with Grandma and Grandpa.  We went and had some mexican food and went to see Toy Story 3.  We all loved the movie, if you have little kids, go see it!  Happy Birthday to our sweet boy!!
Movie time!
Dinner with grandpa and grandma…..and of course, a Sombero!
Presents from mommy and daddy!

Noah and Mommy Dancing

June 28, 2010
Click on this link to see us dancing this weekend at the Henry Ford Museum!

This and That

June 21, 2010
I harvested my first cauliflower tonight from my garden!  Check this out!
My front flower garden is doing amazing too!  I can’t wait for the sunflowers to start blooming!
Today was a big day for Noah….a much anticipated experience!  Our grocery store has a play room that Noah has been dying to go into, but you can’t go in unless your 3 years old.  Today he finally got to go inside and play while I did grocery shopping!  He was so excited!!
This is one of the reasons I LOVE summer in Ohio!!!  Sweet corn for CHEAP!!!

Father’s Day

June 21, 2010
We had a blessed Father’s Day.  We were lucky to have Gary’s parents here for the weekend so we had a very special Father’s Day!  I missed my dad a lot today.  I thought about him from the moment I woke up until this evening and have wondered how he celebrated Father’s Day in heaven.  I bed he had a perfect day with his father and mother, and a really delicious lunch of fried chicken and mashed potatoes, one of his favorites.  I let a balloon go to dad this morning, I hope he got it and knows how much I miss him everyday, but especially today.  Happy Father’s Day to Gary, Ron, and my beloved dad.
Father’s Day gift time!  Daddy got a new Buckeye shirt, a Buckeye book to read to Noah, and a 60-min massage.   Happy Father’s Day to the most caring, special, selfless, patient, loving daddy ever!
Special Father’s Day picnic with Grandma and Grandpa. 
Outside fun!  Thank you to Bridgett and Linda for the new sprinklers!  Now we have one for the front yard and one in the back!  Ebony enjoyed the sprinkler too!
Thank you Mom and Jaime for the scooter!  Noah loves it.
We took a little afternoon bike ride to the park.  He said he was doing "some good exercise".
I love this picture of 3 generations of Rice boys!  We love you grandpa and daddy!
We ended Father’s Day with some yummy ice cream!

Noah’s 3rd Birthday Party

June 20, 2010
We had a wonderful day today celebrating our babies 3rd birthday!  Where does the time go?  He is looking like such a big boy compared to last years birthday pictures!  It’s going way too fast.  Although Noah is still sick, he seemed to really perk up for his party and had a really good time.  Thank you to Gary’s parents who helped out a ton getting ready for the party, and a BIG thank you to all our friends and family who came and helped make this day truly special!
Decorating for the party!  What’s a party without bubbles!!
Lots and lots of pizza!!  And…I made some chocolate bars for everyone!  YUM!
I am so proud of the cake I made for Noah.  This was the first time I tried a "racetrack" cake and I am so happy about how awesome it turned out! 
I love this picture!

This and That

June 18, 2010
My friend Amy works for The Limited and each summer they have something called the "Sample Sale" for employee’s only.  She pays $100 and then can take as much product as she can fit in a huge bag!  Products from Victoria Secret and Bath and Body.  She is so sweet and always shares the bounty with me!  This is what she gave me this year!  Can you believe all of this stuff??  She said she had another 8 bags this size for family…and then enough to last her a year!!  Thanks Amy!!
Noah and his "girls" from next door playing in his kitchen.  These are Noah’s friends, Hailey, Quinn, and baby Lexi.
Noah’s new summer haircut. Isn’t it adorable??!!
Showing daddy his picture he colored.  He loves to show daddy his pictures when he gets home from work.
My sick boy loving on his doggies! 
Dining "al fresco" for breakfast!
Daddy putting together the very special gift from my mom and Jaime for Noah’s bday party tomorrow!
I am making a racetrack cake for Noah’s party and made this "jumbotron" to put in the background of the track.  We will have a little bit of dad at Noah’s party!