Archive for October, 2008

Funny Mommy!

October 30, 2008
Open-mouthed  Noah was getting a kick out of me today at lunch time.  I was making loud growling noises and other animal noises and he was just belly laughing so loud!  Look at this happy face!
Noah was making growling noises at mommy too…
Oh this will be fun…let’s "get" mommy…then give mommy the sweetest nose kisses!
Okay mommy, I am laughed out and ready to get down…
To make a little extra money I have offered my dog walking services to people in our neighborhood.  We have a sweet little dog named "Shadow" that we walk everyday for a very nice lady.  Noah loves going to get Shadow and even trys to say "Shadow" when he see’s her.  Shadow also loves to see Noah and try to give him kisses.  It was a chilly day today so Noah was bundled up in his "new" (thank you resale store) winter coat.  Could there be anything cuter?  I think not.
Greeting eachother before our walk…
Along our walk we have to stop so Noah and Shadow can play with one another..
I know this is random but I had to share…I found this perfectly good HUGE 8′ by 6′ area rug on the side of the road and sold it today for $30!  I just love that! The woman who bought it was so excited as she was moving into her new house and needed it for the living room.  I was able to use the money to buy Noah a ton of  warm clothes at the resale store!  Such a great way to recycle!

Makes for a great hat!

October 29, 2008
Noah came out of his room and wanted me to put his swim diaper on his head, so of course I did.  He ran around the house laughing at his new hat.  Mommy was laughing too! 
I am just too cute aren’t I mommy?
Okay, time to take it off now!

Grab the tissue….

October 28, 2008
This is the most touching video I have ever seen.  Take a few minutes to watch this, you won’t regret it.

Anniversary Weekend

October 28, 2008
Red heart  Gary and I had a wonderful anniversary weekend at his parents house.  We spent Saturday watching Noah run around their house finding lots of things to get into, visiting the library, taking walks, and Noah played with Grandpa and Grandma.  Sunday was our anniversary and after getting Noah down for his afternoon nap we went to a movie…yep, a movie.   We were so excited because we only get to see a movie once or twice a year.  We saw Eagle Eye and LOVED it.  It was a great action movie and we highly recommend it.  Then we went to dinner at Abuelo’s mexican restuarant and had a fantastic dinner!  Grandma and Grandpa had fun playing with Noah and we thank them so much for the night away!!!  We got back just in time to change a poopy diaper and get the little man to bed.  Back to reality.  Wink  We wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Hanging with Grandpa….
Visiting Grandma at the library and playing with all the fun toys!
Fun at the park with Grandma, Grandpa, mommy and daddy!  It was really chilly, windy and sprinkling…a great day for the park!

The next step….

October 28, 2008
Sleeping half-moon  We have moved onto the "next step" with Noah’s sleeping arrangement.  Gary’s mom mentioned this weekend that we should try the toddler bed next to our bed.  I guess I just hadn’t really thought about this possibility happening this soon…but Gary and I think that Noah is ready for this change.  So, after we got home from Gary’s parents house we got to work putting our bed back together (our mattess has been on the floor for over a year!) and getting Noah’s toddler bed put together.  Noah had fun crawling around his "new" bed and wrestling with daddy on our "new" higher bed!
Last night was our first night in this arrangement.  Noah did very well with the change.  He went to sleep easily and only tried to crawl up on our bed once.  He is napping in on his bed now and doing such a great job transitioning.  What a big boy he is now!
Wrestling on the HIGH bed with daddy!  It is so wierd having our bed back up again!!  I forgot how pretty it is!

Weight Watchers – Week Two

October 27, 2008
YAY!  I am very happy to report I lost 2.6 lbs this week.  All together I have lost 7.2 in the last two weeks.  I got my "first five lbs" lost sticker tonight and was asked "what is working for you".  I thought I would share what is working for me in case any of you are also on a weight loss journey.  Most importantly I am following my WW leaders famous saying "if you bite it, write it".  I write down all I eat everyday and point values.  I am careful not to go over in points.  Tonight we learned that all those little BLT’s (bites, lickes, and tastes) add up and you have to count everything!  Just because you aren’t eating something from a plate doesn’t mean it doesn’t count!  Good reminder for me!  I am also making a point of walking everyday.  Some days I walk a lot, some days just 30 minutes or so…but at least 30 minutes everyday.  I am eating Fiber One bars as treats.  They curb my sweet tooth and are only 2 points.  I don’t put myself in tempting situations and expect my willpower to rescue me.  I know what my triggers are and I have avoided them all together. I have found a couple new products this week that are also helping….I thought I would share them with you!
I found these Friday at the store.  They are 100 calorie sandwich thins.  They are very good and only 1 point for 2 slices!  They are 100 calories and 6 grams of fiber per 2 slices.  They make for great sandwiches.  They are thin so I recommend toasting them to give them some strength to hold sandwich toppings.
I can’t tell you how much I love these new Tic Tacs!  They are about 3x the size of regular Tic Tacs and taste so good!  They are cherry flavored and can really hit the spot if you are in the car or on the go and need a sweet fix!  They are called Tic Tac Chill and are with the gum and stuff in the check-out line area.

Snug as a Bug

October 24, 2008
Coffee cup  Burrrr, it was chilly out this morning for our walk.  Noah and I got out very early this morning for a walk since it’s supposed to rain this afternoon.  Luckily for Noah mommy went shopping yesterday at the good ol’ resale store for a warm winter "stroller" outfit.  I wanted something that was basically an insulated blanket with arm and leg holes.  I loves getting out in the winter for walks but I don’t want my little guy freezing his patootie off while I enjoy the cold!  I found the perfect outfit for him!! 
This morning was his first time trying it on.  I have to admit I got a had a few good chuckles watching him try to crawl and walk in this HUGE winter suit.  He seemed to like it though and was all warm and snuggly on our walk!
Uh, mom, I don’t know about this!
Trying to crawl…it didn’t work very well!
All snug and ready for our walk…
I told you earlier how crazy he is about rescue vehicle books….he was so excited about the book I got him at the library yesterday he insisted on taking it on our walk.


We walked over to one of our favorite places, the reservoir, and saw that a lot of people have taken their boats out of the dock.  A sure sign of Winter coming!
Sweet baby.

Up Up Up…..

October 22, 2008
Dog face  Noah is in a climbing stage right now.  I know my friends with kids around Noah’s age already have climbers…but we have been lucky until now!  He wants to climb on everything!  I wasn’t able to get a picture but this weekend he climbed up on his little table all by himself.  Gary and I were in the kitchen watching him in awe!  There he was on top of the table doing a little dance (hopefully not a prediction of the future..hahaha).  Mommy ruined the fun and made him get down and threatened "time out" if he did it again (then I turned to Gary and chuckled).
I was able to catch some of his climbing on the camera….
He climbed up on the dog dishes and just took a seat!  Of course Daisy was confused and wondering if this is what was for dinner?
I had fun watching this unfold.  Noah was trying hard to figure out how to get up on the couch.  Then a light bulb went off and he decided to use Ebony!  Ebony is such a sweetie, she didn’t move a muscle the entire time!
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He was so proud of himself once he got up there that he had to try different positions!  I think he liked being on the two pillows best!
Now, time to get down.  Hmmmm, how will I get down…OH YES, I will use Ebony again!
It was darn chilly this morning on our walk and Noah was all bundled up for the first time in his "new" winter coat (thank you resale store!) and warm hat…..he doesn’t like being bundled up be he sure looked cute!
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I am still making Noah fruit puree’s (since he won’t eat many fruits whole).  Last night I was experimenting and made him some Strawberry Smoothie (strawberries, milk, yogurt) puree.  YUM!

Weight Watchers – Week One

October 20, 2008
I just got back from my first full week of Weight Watchers and lost 4.6 lbs.  It was just the kick start I needed.  It also confirmed my efforts and makes me want to press on regardless of the amount I need to lose.  I am so happy with the payoff for effort.  

Puppy Replacement

October 20, 2008
Nope, we did not get a new puppy dog.  We did however get a replacement for Noah’s puppy blanket.  He had just started getting attached to his puppy blanket when we lost it!  Last night at Boo at the Zoo we lost puppy somewhere in North America (I think somewhere between the Moose and Bear exhibits!).  I think mommy was more upset than Noah…I actually ran through "Asia" thinking we lost it there… luck.  We left our name at the lost and found office and Gary said to wait a couple of days before getting a replacement.  I thought they might call this morning, but no call.   I just couldn’t wait.
Noah and I were at Target (my favorite store of all time!) and they had a ton of replacement choices (no puppies but lots of other animals).  I gave Noah a bunch of different ones and watched him to see which blanket he like most.  He just loved the "bear" blanket…so that was our choice.  All through the rest of our shopping he was holding it and giving it kisses.  So sweet.  He held it on the way home and feel asleep with it in his hands.  I am thinking me might want to get an extra bear blanket just in case.
Meet Noah’s new friend…."Bear".  Bear is being broken in with a good nap.
Open-mouthed  On a side note: a big thanks to my friend Stephanie for the heads up on the Target brand Fiber bars!  They are fantastic and cheaper.  Woohoo!  Also…Stephanie, I need your email address!!  Please email me at with your address.  Talk to you soon my friend!