Archive for August, 2007


August 31, 2007
Well, another Friday is here!  It seems that the weeks just fly by and I can’t believe that Noah is another week older!  He will be 10 weeks this Sunday….before I know it he will be heading off to college! 
Speaking of college…..tomorrow is a big day here in Columbus…..the first Ohio State football game of the season!  Everyone here gets very exctied about this event!  Gary and his dad are headed to the game so that should be fun for them.  Noah and I are going to have our own tailgate party complete with diaper changing and breastmilk 🙂   We will be staying home and having some mommy and Noah time.  It will be fun when Noah grows bigger and he can go to games with his daddy!
Since my last blog regarding changes Noah has seemed to go back to his normal sweet baby self!  He is eating normal and sleeping well.  I don’t know what was going on but I have learned that there are always changes and you just have to "roll with it" as Gary says.
Gary’s dad is coming to town tonight for the weekend.  It is always fun to have him here!  We might take Noah down to the pool for his first swim experience while Gary’s dad is here.  We will be sure to take pictures!
Everyone have a great long weekend!!  GO BUCKS!!!! 

Some changes

August 29, 2007
Noah has been going through some changes and I am hoping some of you seasoned moms might be able to give me some insight, advice…anything.  Noah has started in the last week really being fussy.  He seems to not be comfortable and is fussy when he’s not eating or sleeping…which is a big change even from last week!  It seems to have started this past weekend and we thought maybe it was just that he was tired, but is has continued this week.  Today I made sure to get him plenty of sleep and he still was very fussy.  He breastfeeds for shorter periods and doesn’t seem to be as comforted by the breastfeeding as he used to…sometimes seeming to fight it.  It has made for a very long few days and I just don’t know what’s going on! 
Is this just a normal developmental change?  Did any of you seasoned mom’s go through this?  Noah is 9.5 weeks now…is this something that starts around this time?  Thanks for your thoughts.
Also, thank you to everyone for your kind words and encouragement yesterday.  It was a rough day and a hurtful comment…but the love and support of family of friends was wonderful and lifted my spirits!  Thank you all for your support, phone calls, and encouragement! 

The truth hurts….

August 28, 2007
Today Noah and I were out and about and I ran into an aquaintance that last saw me when I was around 10 weeks pregnant.  She first oohed and aahed over Noah and commented on how adorable he was…then she congratulated me on how beautiful and healthy he was.  Then she uttered the sentance that has been in my mind ever since…"Boy, you are still really big, you must have gained a lot of weight since I last saw you".  Oh my goodness…I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes so I just smiled and said "you know how it is after you have a baby".  The woman is from another country, so I know she didn’t mean any harm, but boy did it sure hurt my feelings and make me want to scream "look lady give me a break, he is only 9 weeks old, I had a C section, I have already lost 6 lbs, and I am exercising the best I can with a new baby at home!".  Instead though I gave her a hug and said it was lovely to see her and retreated to my car where I could let the tears flow in peace and quiet.    As I sat in the car with hurt feelings, red teary eyes, and deflated self confidence, I was wondering why comments like this hurt so bad?  I know I am being the best mom I can to Noah, I take good care of him all day, I love my husband, I am a good person,…and I am trying so hard to lose this baby weight but it never seems to come off fast enough….but still,  the comment really cut to the heart.
On an up note, I took Noah to Barnes and Noble today and he let me finish reading a book to him!  We read about colors and he seemed very interested in looking at the pictures of the book.  He really liked the colors.  It shows me how very fast he is growing up!  We also visited a baby store and I bought him an adorable outfit for the winter….the hood even has little bear ears!  So cute!
I am off to feed Noah and get him down for his afternoon nap. 
Lesson learned today…think before you say things to people, you never know what will hurt someone else’s feelings.

Another busy weekend!

August 27, 2007
This weekend we ventured out on another road trip to Gary’s parents house.  Noah did so very well on the trip to and from Grandma and Grandpa’s.  It is always fun to watch grandma, grandpa, aunt Dawn and Uncle John fight over who gets to hold the baby!! Dawn, John, Emily and Alan were at the house too, so it was a house full with 6 adults, 3 children, and 3 dogs!! A regular circus!  We have such a nice time when everyone is together.  As you can see from the pictures, Noah had a nice time with everyone and enjoyed napping with Grandpa. 
The dogs had a good time exploring grandma’s butterfly garden (you can see pics of that in the album too).  Daisy and Ebony love trying to find where grandma has hidden veggies she is growing.  They did find the tomatoes in the middle of the butterly garden again and helped themselves to a few cherry tomatoes. As you can see from the pics, I took a pic of Daisy rolling in the yard and thought it was so cute until I realized she was rolling in the mud!  You can also see the "after" picture!
I took Noah to a wedding shower on Saturday and he was the hit of the party (besides the bride of course!)  He was passed around to everyone and did very well with all the handling. He has such a mild temper and really doesn’t cry unless he’s hungry or tired of his car seat! 
We took gary’s parents to dinner Saturday night for Mexican to celebrate their anniversary! I believe it is 42 years for them!!  Dawn and John and the kids went too and we had a very nice time.  Noah slept through most of the dinner, which was nice since mommy and daddy were able to eat.
We came home Sunday afternoon and Noah slept the entire way home.  He really gets worn out on these trips since he doesn’t seem to sleep as well as he does at home.  Today is a recovery day for Noah and he has spent the day eating and napping….what a life! 🙂 

Lazy day

August 24, 2007
Today has been a lazy day for Noah and mommy.  I have been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours so he has been a bit tired and lazy.  I am trying to get him down for a nap every hour or less if he will go down…but right now he feels like playing in his bouncy seat!  He had a pretty good night considering his sore little legs.  He was awake more than usual, but nursed himself to sleep most of the time.  We tried to put him in the Snugli for a walk this morning but it hit right on his ouchy areas so daddy carried him the entire walk!  Noah slept through the walk and most of the morning!
We are all packed up and ready to head to grandma and grandpa’s when daddy gets home from work!  We all love visiting their house!  I will post lots of pics when we get back from our trip.
Everyone have a great weekend!

Painful day for Noah

August 23, 2007
Poor little guy had his first round of shots today 😦  I don’t know who it was more painful for…Noah or mommy and daddy!  I was dreading the shots all day and for good reason.  I had to hold his little arms down while the nurse gave him  4 shots in the thigh.  I was singing him Jesus Loves Me when she started hoping it would get his mind off the shots…no luck though.  It broke my heart when he jumped at the first shot and screamed like I have never heard him scream…then continued to jump at each shot and scream louder.  He had big crocodile tears…it was so sad.  I picked him up right away and daddy and I tried to console him.  That didn’t work, so I nursed him until he caught his breath and we brought him home.  Poor little guy.  He is eating now, so seems happy at this point.
The rest of his doc appt was good though.  The pediatrician said he looke great and healthy.  He weighs 11.3 and is 22 .74 long.  Getting bigger and bigger!  Everything else checked out just fine.  We were instructed to start giving him liquid vitamins, so I will be picking those up tomorrow.  Besides that, he is right on schedule with his smiling and cooing and a bit ahead of schedule on his rolling over and grasping.
Tomorrow we are very excited to be leaving to visit Gary’s parents!  The dogs love running around the yard and stomping/eating Gary’s mom’s beautiful garden!  Last time we visited Daisy trampled the butterfly garden and snacked on the tomato plants in the middle.  We will be celebrating Gary’s parents anniversary and just hanging out, it will be a fun weekend.  Noah and I are going with Marge to a bridal shower…I can’t wait to show him off in a new outfit!
I am off to care for my little guy.  Hopefully he will have an okay night and feel better tomorrow!

Milestone Night

August 22, 2007
Last night was a milestone night in the Rice household…..drum role……….Noah slept his first full night!!!  He slept 5.5 hours!!  According to all the baby books we have read the definition of a baby sleeping through the night is 5 hours.  I was shocked when I woke up and looked at the clock!  Needless to say it was a great night of sleep for mommy and daddy too! 

First Church Visit

August 19, 2007
We just got up from our afternoon nap and Noah, mommy and daddy slept for a very nice long 2 hours!  He must know that mommy and daddy need good long naps on the weekends 🙂
We went to church this morning with Noah and he did very well!  We sat in the back row so that mommy could slip out if needed.  The music started and you could just tell how much he enjoyed the live music.  Daddy was holding him and swaying to the music and Noah fell asleep…until the trumpet in the band made a high pitched note and woke him up!  We made it almost through the sermon without probelms…but did have to give Noah a little snack to keep him happy!
After church Noah met a little girl that was 2 weeks older than him, her name is Addison.  Addison’s daddy plays basketball in the church league with Gary and this is he first time we had seen them since both of us were pregnant.  Noah and Addison met and looked so adorable together….we are working on future prom plans!  It was fun to exchange stories with her mommy.
We are getting ready to head down to the pool and Noah might put his feet in…not sure about that one yet.  He loves his baths but isn’t too sure about the water until he feels the warmth.
Noah is 8 weeks old today!!  I can’t believe how fast time is flying by.  He has his 2 month check up this week and his immunizations…mommy is not looking forward to the shots 😦  I told Gary this weekend that my goal at the end of every day is to look back at the day and not regret a moment.  I never want to say to myself at the end of the day "you put him down when you should have been holding him", or "I did other things when I really should have spent time with him".  This time goes by too quickly.  On to another week of growing and changing.

Nature trip

August 18, 2007
Today Gary and I took Noah on his first nature hike.  We went to a local Columbus Metropark that had a wonderful nature hike that went through the forests and grasslands.  We felt at times like we were hiking somewhere remote rather than in the middle of the city!  It was such a beautiful morning and just the perfect temperature to have our little guy out for his first hike.  Daddy carried Noah in the Snugli, he just loves that thing!  He was awake for some of the hike and slept through the rest.  He loves looking up at the trees, especially if they are blowing in the wind.  We finished our hike in about an hour and fifteen minutes and then stopped under a shade tree to give Noah a little lunch.
Then we went out to lunch so that mommy and daddy could get some lunch and Noah did very well at the restaurant.  He enjoyed looking at the lights and colors.  Then we all came home and headed for the bed to take a much needed nap!  It was quite the picture at nap time with mommy, daddy, Noah and Daisy on the bed.  Good thing we bought the King bed many years ago!  Little did we know how much we would need it!
Tomorrow we are taking Noah to church for the first time.  He loves the Christian music I play in the car and that I sing to him all day long…so I just know he will love the live music at church.  I am excited to get back to church and get Noah into the church environment, I think it is one of the most important things we can do for him and our family.

Yay it’s Friday!

August 17, 2007
Yippee for Friday!  Noah and I love seeing daddy more on the weekends and doing lots of family activities.
We have had a great week and it seems that each week keeps getting better and better.  Noah has such a predictable schedule now  and it is so nice for mommy!  We met daddy for lunch today at the park and it was such a nice day! We are going to have beautiful weather this weekend so Gary and I are planning on taking Noah for a walk in a park near our house.  Noah really loves the outdoors and has been on 2 walks a day every day for the past 2 weeks!  The doggies are really loving having their walks again twice a day!
I hope you all have a great weekend!