Archive for April, 2009

If one paci is good…..two is even better!

April 30, 2009

Fabulous Trash Finds

April 28, 2009
Today was trash day in our neighborhood and I found some awesome "trash".  I was walking the dogs this morning and found the slide set….it was in nearly perfect condition!  I also found this FILTHY sandbox.  After some serious elbow grease it looked pretty darn good!  I also found this Barbie bus on my way to sell the other two items, so I threw it in the car and sold it too!  I made $25 today from my "trash" finds and used it to buy Noah some summer clothes and shoes!  WOOHOO!
Sandbox…before cleaning
I found this in my neighborhood.  Noah loved the little V-Tech music toy I found, I decided to keep it for him since he loved it so much.

85 Degrees…In Ohio? ….In April?

April 27, 2009
Sun  We were blessed with abundant sunshine today.  In fact, it was so darn hot I actually was able to make sun tea!  Delicious!  Noah and I played outside in the sandbox and hose all afternoon.  The dogs enjoyed the outside time too, especially Ebony, she likes to share Noah’s pool!  Noah helped me wash both doggies ("helped" means he watched me wash the dogs and laughed when they would shake and get me wet).  It was a very fun afternoon.
Here is Noah blowing bubbles in his pool…..and maybe taking a few sips.  Gross.
You might be thinking…."so many pictures of Ebony having fun outside, where is Daisy?"  Here she is…..her favorite spot….the ottoman in the living room in the air conditioning.

Fire Truck Time, Family Time, Football Time!

April 27, 2009
We had a busy weekend full of family.  My (Aubre’s) mom was here, and Gary’s parents came to visit for the weekend so we had a house full of family!  Noah loved all the grandparent attention!  On Friday night we took my mom to our town’s "Uptown 4th Friday".  It is a community get-together in our downtown area full of music, food, homemade crafts, and lots of kids activities.  It was a beautiful spring night and you could smell the blooming flowers in the air.  Noah really enjoyed sitting in the fire truck and got very excited to see the fire ladder truck with the ladder fully extended!
On Saturday daddy took Noah to his FIRST Ohio State Football game!  Grandma and Grandpa went along too.  It was a very hot day here in Ohio so mommy slathered Noah in sunscreen, sent lots of water and juice, and made sure he had his hat…..then off they went!  You might be wondering…..why is there a  football game in April?  It is called the "Spring Game" and it is basically a "practice" game where the the team is divided into the "Grey" and "Scarlet" teams and they play eachother.  The tickets are only $5 a piece (compared to the $75 plus tickets during regular season) so it’s a chance for people to get out and preview the team.  Noah did very well and made it to the 3rd quarter.  I am told he loved the band the most!  Daddy did a great job and Noah didn’t get sunburned at all!  Good job daddy!!  Want to know how crazy Ohio State fans are?  There were 95,000 in attendance for the game!
Daddy and Noah in front of the stadium!  Daddy’s been waiting a long time for this moment!  This was grandma’s first Ohio State game too!
Here are some cute pics of mom and Noah.  Also, I went in to check on Noah during his nap and found him like this!  So cute.

Zoo Day with Grammie

April 23, 2009
Sun  After 4 days of rain, the sun came out today.  Although we all have colds (me, Grammie, and Noah) we had to get out in the sunshine and enjoy our time together.  We went to the Zoo and really enjoyed ourselves.  Grammie rode the carosel with Noah a few times, we rode the train, visited the petting zoo, and watched Noah run around and wear himself out! 
My mom caught these adorable pics of Noah and his best buddy Ebony….
At the Zoo ready for a big day of fun!  WOW, look at those blue skies!
Inside one of Noah’s favorite zoo attractions, The Habitat House (a house to teach kids about recycling)
At the petting zoo it was feeding time for the goats.  Shortly after this picture was taken my dear child got on his knees and tried to lick the goat food off the pavement!  YUCK!
Train ride!
This grizzly bear was actually asleep on the log!
Noah couldn’t get enough of the carosel ride (thankfully kids under 2 are free!) so he rode it with Grammie and Mommy.
After we got home we did a little swimming with Noah’s new pool basketball!  Look at our big boy jumping in the pool!  As you can imagine, we have a very tuckered out Noah (and Grammie and mommy) after our big day!

Inniswood with Grammie

April 19, 2009
Today we visited Inniswood Metro Gardens.  The tulips were just coming out and looked beautiful.  Noah enjoyed smelling the flowers, but also wanted to pull off the petals and eat them.  Needless to say I fished alot of flowers out of his mouth today.
This picture is funny…mom caught me hiding getting ready to scare Noah and daddy!
We had some fun water table fun!
Before church this morning….
My pretty mommy! Red heart

Adventures with Grammie

April 18, 2009
Take a look at this beautiful sunrise out our front door!  Is God good to us or what??!!
Noah enjoying his "heart" shaped toast for breakfast!
Grammie and Noah watching for daddy to come home from work!
Mommy being silly and trying on some good Buckeye gear!
Mom and I visited the "Thurber House".  It is the original house of the author James Thurber and has been restored and placed on the register of Historic Places.

Grammie’s In Town!

April 18, 2009
My mom (Aubre’s) arrived here in Ohio from Tucson this past Tuesday and we have been busy busy busy.  Noah has had fun with Grammie, giving hugs, kisses, and playing "hide and seek".  We have taken Grammie all over town to see some of Noah’s favorite places.  Yesterday daddy took the day off work so that mommy and Grammie could have a girls day out!  We had fun visiting some historic houses, mall window shopping, lunching, and just hanging out.  We all met up for a delicious dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  Today we are planning a trip to one of Noah’s most favorite places (mommy and daddy’s too)…..Inniswood Metro Garden.  The Spring tulips and other flowers should be in full bloom.  Here are some pics from this week….
Me and Mom hamming it up!
Noah, Grammie and Mommy visited Recreation Outlet for some play time this week.  Here’s Noah showing Grammie "up".
We also visited COSI science center.
We also did a little outside play yesterday…enjoying the sunshine!

Easter Weekend

April 13, 2009
What a beautiful sunny Easter day God blessed us with.  The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and we had a wonderful day with family.  We attended church EARLY this morning (which worked out well since Noah got us up at 4 AM) with Aunt Dawn, Uncle John, Alan and Emily.  We enjoyed having them join us at our church!  Then we came home for a nap, lunch, and some baking before heading over to Aunt Dawn and Uncle John’s house for Easter dinner.  We were thrilled that Gary’s parents drove all the way here to join us!
On Saturday we took Noah to his first Easter Egg Hunt at a local park.  It was sponsored by our community center and turned out to be a very busy event.  They had the event broken down into age groups and Noah was in the "2 and under" group.  There were tons of kids and hundreds of eggs!  Noah thought the eggs were yellow "balls" so he proceeded to kick them instead of put them in his basket.  So, mommy and daddy helped gather the eggs while Noah kicked them around.  Inside the eggs we found stickers, Hershey Kisses, and various candies.  Noah love the Hershey Kiss!
Here is video of the Easter Egg Hunt:
The hardest part was the 10-minute wait for the Easter Egg Hunt to begin!  Noah was so patient.
Look at all those eggs!
Look mom, a Hershey Kiss!  YUM!
Easter Morning at church.
Aunt Dawn and Uncle John’s house for Easter dinner and an Easter Egg hunt for Noah (plus some gifts mommy and daddy got him for Easter).
Cousin Emily let us hold her rabbit, Marshmellow.  He seemed to like me, he fell asleep while I was holding him.
Grandma and Grandpa brought a special gift for Noah…a watering can (perfect for the veggies we will be planting soon) and some other garden tools.  Perfect to help mommy in our container garden this summer!
Easter dinner! YUM!

Singin’ in the Rain….just singin’ in the rain….

April 10, 2009
Noah and I got out for a little rainy walk through the metro-gardens.  It was fun being the only ones in the gardens!  We splashed in the puddles and looked at all the pretty Spring flowers.  We were dripping wet by the time we got done and headed home for some dry, warm clothes.
Here is a taste of Spring right out our front door!
Noah and I gathered rocks this week to line our front walkway.  I think it turned out beautiful!
Here are some of the sights of Spring we saw today at the gardens…
Noah was ready for the rain!  He enjoyed stopping to smell the flowers and watch the waterfall.
Mommy and Noah were very wet!
Here he is making his famous "silly face" at dinner last night.