My story in 200 words….

I am entering a contest through Remedy Health and Wellness magazine.  I found it by accident and just felt compelled to enter!  It is a contest to tell your "health success to becoming a stronger you" in 200 words or less.  I just knew this was the contest for me!  I stayed up late tonight just to finish my entry, otherwise I would never be able to sleep!  So, here it is.  I will keep you posted on how I do.  I will be including before and after pics with my entry.

“You fall into the obese category and your blood pressure is dangerously high”.  These are the words I heard from my doctor in late February of 2010.  I weighed in at an all time high of 214.  How did I get here?  I lost my healthy self somewhere between fast food, sweets, and no exercise. 

I started the journey to lose weight and regain my health after my life changed forever on February 10, 2010.  I stood beside my beloved dad as he lost his fight with cancer.  In dad’s last few days he was very concerned and told me that I needed to take care of myself.  I promised him that I would.

One week later I joined a gym and started taking small steps toward losing weight and becoming healthy. Since February I have lost 55 lbs, 7 inches in my waist, gone from a size 22 to a size 12, started weight training five days a week, and I have completed four 5K races.  I am currently training for my first half marathon in October.  Most importantly, my doctor has taken me off my blood pressure medicine.

Here we go dad…..all the way to the finish line!


These are the pics I sent:




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