Archive for January, 2008

Pizza, Pool and Games!

January 20, 2008
We had a fun night on Saturday with Aunt Dawn, Uncle John and Alan and Emily.  It was a great family night full of pizza, pool time, and a rowdy game of Cranium (if you haven’t played a round of the game Cranium, we HIGHLY recommend it!  It is really fun and great for all ages!).  Saturday started with a nice breakfast of yogurt and oatmeal with daddy…
Oh daddy, I don’t think I can take one more bite, I’m stuffed!
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Okay, ONE more bite!  I love this stuff!
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Daddy and I have so much fun together making funny faces!
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Then daddy and Noah played on the floor for awhile.
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Then all the family arrived and we headed to the pool!  Look, Noah has his own noodle!
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Noah enjoyed swimming with Aunt Dawn and Emily…and then warming up with Aunt Dawn.
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Game time!  Noah helped with the boys team!
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Two toofers!

January 17, 2008
There is nothing cuter than this toothy grin!!  Open-mouthed

More eating adventures

January 17, 2008
Noah and I have been eating lunch together and I have to say that watching him eat at 6 months is an adventure at every meal!  He is so funny with his teething biscuit and often likes to just play with it.  I really have enjoyed watching him at mealtime play with foods and learn what he likes and doesn’t like.  So far veggies have not been his favorite, so daddy and mommy have had to mix fruits with veggies to get him to eat them.  He LOVES pears and yogurt the most so far.
Mom, my biscuit is stuck!
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Seriously mom, help me get it out!
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YAY, the biscuit is dislodged!  WOOHOO, thanks mom!!
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I’m pooped after all the biscuit craziness, I think I will nap right here on the floor with all of my toys.
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Goodbye Starbucks!!

January 16, 2008
If any of you are tired of spending way too much money at Starbucks for those yummy Frappachino’s this is the blog for you!  I was inspired by my friend Sharon and her homemade Macchiato…so I set out to find the perfect make-at-home recipe for a LIGHT Frappachino!  This morning I did it!  After a little addition of this and a little splash of that….here is my homemade Mocha LIGHT Frappachino!
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I am slurping it down now and it is soooo yummy!  Here is the recipe for those of you interested:
First, brew some strong Columbian coffee (run it through the coffee machine 2 times to make it stronger).  Pour into ice cube trays and freeze.  This condenses the flavor and makes it easy to use just enough for one serving.
In a blender add 1/2 cup of fat free milk
2 Tbsp of Light or Sugar Free Hershey Syrup
Add crushed ice (fill up the cup you plan on using with crushed ice)
3 coffee ice cubes (I melted them in the microwave first)
2 Tbsp of Splenda (more or less to taste)
Blend on high.  Stir a bit and blend again until nice and smooth!
Add Fat Free Cool Whip on top and a little drizzle of the Hershey Syrup!  YUMMY!!
For those of you on WW, this is about 4 points…give or take a point.  The best news is that it cost way less than the $4 I usually spend at Starbucks!  ENJOY!

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

January 15, 2008
Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit yesterday and stayed with us last night.  We all went to watch cousin Alan’s basketball game and have some dinner. Then we came home and showed off Noah’s room, new "ball pit", Fred the horse, and then we had a fun bathtime! 
A nice nap with Grandma
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How many does it take to wash a baby?  Two grandparents and a yellow ducky!
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All clean and ready for bedtime!
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Fun in the "ball pit".  Mommy got all these balls for free!!  Can mommy fit in the ball pit too?
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Three generations of Rice men
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Fun with Fred and Grandpa!
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Mmmm, Banana and Pears

January 12, 2008
THis was the first time I gave Noah actual pieces of Banana and Pear.  He seemed to like it…and had lots of fun making a mess!  Notice Daisy in the background!  She is in the backyard looking in through the window hoping brother will drop some fruit!
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Mom and Dad, what do I do with these?
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Oh, okay, I will try go get them to my mouth with my own hands.
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I give up.  Can’t one of you just feed me with that neat little spoon?
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Lost Biscuit

January 10, 2008
Noah loves his teething biscuits!  They don’t always make it to his mouth though!
Hey mom, where’s my biscuit?
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Seriously now, someone tell me where my biscuit is!! I know it’s close, I can smell it!
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Big Helper!

January 10, 2008
The other day Noah was helping mommy and daddy go through bills and old receipts.  Mommy and Noah had the task of shredding old receipts and look what a big helper Noah was!  Yes, I am in my jammies in this picture!
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Are we in Florida??

January 8, 2008
I just got back from a long walk with Noah and I think we might have entered the twilight zone at some point and ended up in Florida!  Let me remind all of you out-of-staters that it is JANUARY IN OHIO….and the temps today are in the mid 60’s!  Yesterday the temps were in the upper 60’s!  While we were out we saw people having picnics, boaters on the reservoir, roller bladers, bike riders, and actually saw the SUN!  Sun  Noah and I both enjoyed the beautiful fresh air and the warm breeze.  We must have walked for over an hour just basking in the Florida like weather. I suppose that Winter just needed a little break and sent Fall in to take over for a few days.  Thank you Winter for the nice break (we all know you will be back soon enough).  Until then I have the windows open and am very much enjoying fresh air in the house especially since having Bronchitis…it feels good to get some fresh air in my lungs.


January 7, 2008
Now that I am on my second week of being sick and continually getting worse I went to the doctor.  She confirmed that I am in the early stages of Bronchitis.  Apparently I had a high blood pressure reading and fever and that’s the confirmation she needed to start me on antibiotics.  Noah and Gary seem to be okay so far, thankfully.  They both have a little cold but not much else.  We ask for your prayers that he and Gary don’t get sick.  The doc thinks I will start feeling better in a few days.  Yippee for that.  I am off to nap with the little man.