Lazy day

Today has been a lazy day for Noah and mommy.  I have been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours so he has been a bit tired and lazy.  I am trying to get him down for a nap every hour or less if he will go down…but right now he feels like playing in his bouncy seat!  He had a pretty good night considering his sore little legs.  He was awake more than usual, but nursed himself to sleep most of the time.  We tried to put him in the Snugli for a walk this morning but it hit right on his ouchy areas so daddy carried him the entire walk!  Noah slept through the walk and most of the morning!
We are all packed up and ready to head to grandma and grandpa’s when daddy gets home from work!  We all love visiting their house!  I will post lots of pics when we get back from our trip.
Everyone have a great weekend!

One Response to “Lazy day”

  1. Sharon Says:

    It was a treat to get to see you, even for just a few minutes.  I hope to be back again soon with the kids so they can see Noah and get lots of love from the puppies.   We miss you guys too!  Mine are in bed and we have a few moments of quiet before we head in that direction.  The temptation is to stay up entirely too late with a quiet house.  I am going to drink some water and put my feet up!  I have my 30 week appt tomorrow.  Hard to believe….
    thinking of you!

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