Some changes

Noah has been going through some changes and I am hoping some of you seasoned moms might be able to give me some insight, advice…anything.  Noah has started in the last week really being fussy.  He seems to not be comfortable and is fussy when he’s not eating or sleeping…which is a big change even from last week!  It seems to have started this past weekend and we thought maybe it was just that he was tired, but is has continued this week.  Today I made sure to get him plenty of sleep and he still was very fussy.  He breastfeeds for shorter periods and doesn’t seem to be as comforted by the breastfeeding as he used to…sometimes seeming to fight it.  It has made for a very long few days and I just don’t know what’s going on! 
Is this just a normal developmental change?  Did any of you seasoned mom’s go through this?  Noah is 9.5 weeks now…is this something that starts around this time?  Thanks for your thoughts.
Also, thank you to everyone for your kind words and encouragement yesterday.  It was a rough day and a hurtful comment…but the love and support of family of friends was wonderful and lifted my spirits!  Thank you all for your support, phone calls, and encouragement! 

One Response to “Some changes”

  1. Sharon Says:

    A few thoughts… Make sure you are drinking enough water… that will ensure your milk supply stays up even in this heat.  You may think you are about to drown with all of the water your body needs to keep up with production, but it is so important.  My babies always were fussy right around the times they were starting new things.  (rolling over, crawling, sitting, walking, pulling up in bed)  I think it also could be a growth spurt, though they are growing by leaps and bounds at this stage of the game, so it could ALWAYS be a growth spurt.  Will let you know if I think of anything else.  Your answer is yes… right when you think you have them figured out they move into the next stage and baffle what you thought was their normal.  Constant change.  Has he been stuffy at all or had any cold symptoms?  Mine were always fussy with ear infections, though Sarah never ran a fever.  Jackson and Trey always had a fever with ear infections.  Just something to think about.  Praying for you!

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