Weight Watchers – Week Two

YAY!  I am very happy to report I lost 2.6 lbs this week.  All together I have lost 7.2 in the last two weeks.  I got my "first five lbs" lost sticker tonight and was asked "what is working for you".  I thought I would share what is working for me in case any of you are also on a weight loss journey.  Most importantly I am following my WW leaders famous saying "if you bite it, write it".  I write down all I eat everyday and point values.  I am careful not to go over in points.  Tonight we learned that all those little BLT’s (bites, lickes, and tastes) add up and you have to count everything!  Just because you aren’t eating something from a plate doesn’t mean it doesn’t count!  Good reminder for me!  I am also making a point of walking everyday.  Some days I walk a lot, some days just 30 minutes or so…but at least 30 minutes everyday.  I am eating Fiber One bars as treats.  They curb my sweet tooth and are only 2 points.  I don’t put myself in tempting situations and expect my willpower to rescue me.  I know what my triggers are and I have avoided them all together. I have found a couple new products this week that are also helping….I thought I would share them with you!
I found these Friday at the store.  They are 100 calorie sandwich thins.  They are very good and only 1 point for 2 slices!  They are 100 calories and 6 grams of fiber per 2 slices.  They make for great sandwiches.  They are thin so I recommend toasting them to give them some strength to hold sandwich toppings.
I can’t tell you how much I love these new Tic Tacs!  They are about 3x the size of regular Tic Tacs and taste so good!  They are cherry flavored and can really hit the spot if you are in the car or on the go and need a sweet fix!  They are called Tic Tac Chill and are with the gum and stuff in the check-out line area.

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