Homemade Ice Cream…..in a Ziploc!

My friend Bridgett sent me this recipe for "Ice Cream in a Bag".  I gave it a try last night, pretty sure it wouldn’t work, and was so excited to find it DOES work and is so easy!  The best part is that the ice cream only has a few ingredients and tastes so fresh and "pure".  Noah and daddy tested it out and seemed to love it!  It does tend to melt faster than store bought ice cream.  This would be a fun project for older kids since it’s not too messy once you get it all in the bags and make sure they are securely closed!  The entire process only takes about 5-10 minutes. I will put the recipe at the bottom of this post.
These are the only ingredients you need!
My taste testers!
Ice Cream in a Bag Recipe
Quart size ziplock bag
Gallon size ziplock bag
1/2 cup half and half
1/2 cup whole milk
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp of table salt (I used sea salt)
Place half and half, milk, and sugar in a quart bag and seal.  Squeeze gently to mix.  In the gallon bag add 6-8 cups of ice and 2 tbsp salt.  Put sealed quart bag inside of gallon bag with ice and salt.  Seal gallon bag and turn over and over on a table until it becomes ice cream (this took me 5 minutes).  If mixture is not solidifying add more salt and ice and continue to turn over.  Take ice cream out of the bag and put in bowls.  If you try to eat it from the bag it will melt more quickly than it would in a bowl.  Add toppings!  YUM!

2 Responses to “Homemade Ice Cream…..in a Ziploc!”

  1. Nicki Says:

    Looks like father and son got haircuts :)Will have to try the ice cream thing when Michael is here next – can you believe Thanksgiving is LESS than a week away – where DID this year go?????????????????????

  2. Aubre Says:

    YES! They did both get haircuts!

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