Sesame Street Zone

Noah has really started to love Sesame Street and looks forward to it each day. He completely zones out watching it….only coming out of his zone to dance when he see’s Elmo dancing.  It cracks me up.  I have to admit I have started to watch it with him and actually enjoy it!  In fact, the other night Gary and I were sitting down for a little TV time after Noah went to bed and I made him watch a segment from that day’s Sesame Street episode because I loved the song!  He humored me and watched. Open-mouthed  I got some cute pics of him today in his Sesame Street Zone….
Look at that sweet face!  So, who do you think he looks more like?  Me or Gary??
Here is the beautiful sunset from last night.  It is rare that we even see the sun during Winter in Ohio, so a sunset like this is a real treat!
Noah eats a ton of yogurt and I decided today to take a trip to Whole Foods to see if I could find a yogurt without any added sugar or artificial sweetners.  I couldn’t find any in my regular grocery store…..but I did find a brand at Whole Foods!  There are not a lot of flavors (Strawberry, Peach, Vanilla, and Berry) but I feel better giving him this product!   I thought some of you other mommies might be interested, so here’s a pic.

4 Responses to “Sesame Street Zone”

  1. Nicki Says:

    well as far as the "who does he look like" first pic neither…he looks like noah….second pic he looks more like you – especially the expression….(sorry gary!) but MOST OF ALL HE LOOKS LIKE GRAMMIE!

  2. Nicki Says:

    oh wait……the very first pic on this blog….THAT looks like gary….hahaha….or daisy?

  3. John Andrea Adam Alex Andrew Avery Says:

    LOL! That photo of Noah zoning in on Sesame Street is too funny, I know exactly what you\’re talking about. Isn\’t it a great show for little ones though, I think because it\’s fast moving. Love Noah\’s bed hair too!As for who he looks like – tough call, I\’d have to say a little bit of both. Same for mine kids too. Thanks for the yogurt tip!Hugs,Andrea

  4. Nicki Says:

    WHAAAATTT!!! no weekend pics???

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