Zoo Lights Night

Tonight we went to the zoo lights.  Always stunning.  I wish I could take some pictures to show you just how stunning it is, but a small snapshot of the beauty just doesn’t do it justice!  I took a few pics to show you how awesome it is…..now just imagine that EVERYWHERE.  I mean every tree, bush, building, water area….and on and on and on.  Everywhere.  It’s so beautiful.  Noah really enjoyed it this year and wanted to walk everywhere all by himself.  He actually did a pretty good job not running into too many things or people. 
Ready to go!
First stop…..cookie making!  Noah got to decorate his own cookie (well, daddy did most of the decorating).  Noah did the eating all by himself though!  Mommy was tempted to just squeeze some frosting straight into her mouth….but I restrained myself!
Next stop……reindeer!  They had 5 REAL reindeer for us to see.  I was interested to find out this antler you see is only a year’s growth!  They shed their antler’s and they grow back each year!
Lots and lots and lots of lights!

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