Preschool’s and Playdates

I can hardly believe the time has come….Gary and I toured a preschool Friday morning.  I admit it, I cried 3 times.  I am such a wimp.  Noah, however, loved it!  He walked right into the classrooms and started playing with toys and getting into craft stuff!  He didn’t seem hesitant at all, which tells me when next year comes to start preschool he will definitely be ready.  Gary and I LOVED the preschool.  It is called "Little Blessings" and is located about 5 minutes from our house in a church.  We talked to several teachers and, I especially, felt very at ease and excited about how they run their classrooms.  My mommy "gut feeling" was very positive and excited and I felt assured that this would be a wonderful (and safe) place for our baby.  I love that they teach a little Bible story each day and that they have craft time, music time, and outdoor playtime, plus they have prayer circle each day.  They work one-on-one with the kids on their writing skills and other necessary skills they will need to start Kindergarten.  The classrooms are small and have 2 teachers to each room.  I am so excited for Noah.  Gary and I both feel that this environment will be just what he needs for socialization and new experiences.  Noah will be going to preschool for 2 days a week for a couple hours and would be starting next September.
Noah and I wandered around the church where the preschool is while we were waiting for daddy to arrive.  Noah was thrilled to find a "big fountain" in the sancutuary!  They had the most beautiful stained glass windows!
After our tour we headed over to our friend Bridgett’s house for a playdate with her daughters Natalie and Lucy!  Not to mention their sweet doggy Sophie!  Noah had a fun time having a tea party with Natalie (Gary loved this!).  They kids always have a fun time together and we are so blessed to have such fantastic friends!  Love you guys!

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