Crafty Mommy!

Party  I have been feeling the need to be crafty lately.  My niece’s 12th birthday is coming up and I thought it would be nice to find and old chair and hand-paint it just for her new room.  I wanted to paint it with lots of colors and details and I wanted to make it special just for her.  I found an awesome old chair at a thrift store for $12!!  I got to work sanding it and then painted it with 4 coats of white paint.  I spent the last 2 weeks hand-painting and decorating it!  I ended up using strips of beautifully colorful scrapbooking paper for the edge of the seat (see picture).  I think it turned out just great!  I can’t wait to get started on my next project.
Chair before and after!
chair day4-1chairbefore1chairdone3
The process…
chair day2chair day4-2chairwork2
I also made her a picture board for her room.  I found and old picture board on one of my "trash" days and completely stripped it down and recovered it in some new fabric and ribbon.  Here is the before and after:
Emilyboard afterEmilyboard before
Here is a picture of Emily opening up her birthday gift yesterday:
9-20-08 1
I also made her some cupcakes for her birthday party yesterday.  She loves pink so I made some pink and green flowers!  YUMMY!
emily cupcakes

3 Responses to “Crafty Mommy!”

  1. Sharon Says:

    You rock!!!  What great projects!  So proud of you.  I could use some of that potential finding eye over here in my new place… it is all the way you can see a VISION for things…

  2. John Andrea Adam Alex Andrew Avery Says:

    Oh my gosh Aubre, that chair is amazing!! All that detail and the colors – your awesome! I wish we were closer so you could teach me a thing or two. I\’d love to go on one of your trash hunts too. I bet your neice loved the chair. Great job!

  3. Nicki Says:

    awesome cupcakes!!!!  they match the chair 🙂

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