Long day!!

Yesterday was a long day for mommy, daddy and Noah.  Noah had a very fussy day, his first really difficult day….and hopefully not a snapshot of what is to come.  He was hungry every hour and was fussy in between feedings fighting sleep all day long.  After 4 hours of sleep the night before, you can imagine I was about to lose my mind!  After Gary got home in the evening Noah was extremely fussy and Gary was kind enough to take him out of the house so I could get some much needed rest for a couple hours.  I took over at 11 PM so Gary to get to bed and I have to say that the night wasn’t so bad!  I slept on the couch while Noah ate (not ideal, but hey sleep is sleep) and we both slept that way for 3 hours!  Then this morning Noah let mommy sleep for an hour while sleeping in his swing.
I am hoping today will be a better day for all of us.  I am headed to my OB/GYN this morning for a check up.  I have noticed that the baby blues are sticking around a bit long and don’t seem to be getting better, in fact often I feel like they are getting worse.  So, I am going to check in with the doctor to make sure it isn’t post partum depression.  Gary thought this would be a good idea too since I have been so upset lately.  I don’t know if it’s just from being overwhelmed and completely sleep deprived or something more serious….so we figured better safe than sorry.  I will let you all know how the appt goes when I return.
Please continue to pray for all of us.
Noah and I are headed out for a walk….it is a beautiful morning here and he really enjoys being outside!  I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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